Realty Expansion


We Help Real Estate Agents With Their Client Acquisition By Generating More Leads/Appointments Through Social Media Marketing


Wasting Time Getting Leads?

By Using These Methods:

Begging For Referrals?

Are you begging friends, family and customers to send you business, leading you to an unpredictable income?

Wasting All Day Cold-Calling?

Are you wasting all day calling strangers asking them to make a big financial decision?

Spending Time Giving Post Cards To Your Neighbourhood?

Are you wasting your energy posting your post cards to your neighbourhood hoping they will reach out?

Paying Property Websites to Get 2 Or 3 Leads?

Are you spending thousands on websites like zillow to only get 2 or 3 leads that were just looking and won't convert into a customer?


"Advertising that works from day 1"

Use Realty Expansion To Get Consistent

Income And Deals Flowing

We help real estate agents generate an extra 100 leads and 30 appointments

within 90 days, guaranteed. We help you achieve this with our

3 task marketing system shown below.

What We Do Is Very Simple:

Target Audience

Ad Click


Task 1

Get Buyer And Seller Leads Through Targeted Facebook Ads

Employing our established, Focused Facebook Advertising Solution, you can anticipate a steady stream of potential clients within your locality. We have invested significant resources in experimenting with various marketing channels, and Facebook stands out as the sole platform where you can attain dependable and high-caliber leads without exorbitant ad expenses.

Task 2

Qualify Leads With Our Automated Follow-Up System

We aim to spare you from expending your valuable time on individuals merely inquiring without any genuine interest! Our automated system will take the initiative to engage with and assess potential leads through text messages, emails, and voicemails, all without requiring your direct involvement.

  • Emails & Texts

  • Ringless Voicemail

  • Facebook Messenger

  • Easy To Use CRM

Pre-Qualified Lead

Our Automated Follow-Up System

Booked Appointment




Task 3

Secure Instant Appointments with In-House Sales Agents

We provide you with the precise blueprint for recruiting and instructing a top-tier internal sales representative. Their primary responsibility involves reaching out to all incoming leads, evaluating their suitability, and scheduling appointments directly on your agenda. Bid farewell to chasing leads and relish the company of thoroughly interested, prepared-to-engage clients.

Axel Dayrit



Founded by Axel Dayrit who's spent the past years attracting the best talent globally.

With our elusive company culture, calibre of clientele & Axel’s social media in the hundreds of thousands - Realty Expansion has our pick of the litter all across the world when it comes to who we’re able to hire. The team you see in front of you is a culmination of that.

- Axel Dayrit



Free 15-Minute Intro Call

By the end of this Audit call, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take for your business to start generating consistent and reliable results online with Funnels & Paid Advertising.

Find a time on Axel’s calendar to schedule your call today and we look forward to speaking to you soon!


  • Real estate agents looking to generate more leads/appointments for their business.

  • ​Real estate agents looking to take their offline business online

  • ​Real estate agents looking to understand their increased revenue potential with funnels & conversion rate optimization.

  • ​Real estate agents looking to maximize their conversion rates & average order value.

  • ​Real estate agents looking for a reliable agency that can make their company a priority.

Realty Expansion

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